A Hackathon is an event lasting a couple of days where people join to build technological projects.
HackExtend is the only hackathon in Israel where any developer / designer can build any technological project. It is a hackathon dedicated to diversity, creativity and collaboration. We want to bring together a talented group of people, that will create extraordinary tech.
HackExtend 2018 was held on May 31st in Tel Aviv. 75 amazing people participated and 18 groups presented their projects at the final exhibition. Thank you to everyone who participated in this special hackahton!
Noam, Noa, Gal, Omer and Alon built a Chrome extension that can make any website accessible, enabling people with disabilities to participate equally on the Web.
Noa, Ayelet, Chamutal, Erez, Shahar, and Kobi built an educational vampire game that teaches you about the different blood types.
Rana, Sari, Maryam, Simaan and Elias built a social app for ride sharing.
Yoni, Yael and Menachem built a website for freelancers and students to find shared workspaces.
Sagi and Oleg built a website that creates a customised T-shirt fot you according to the technologies you know.
Shahaf, Eilam, Or, Itamar, Asaf and Guti built a game where you need to solve riddles in order to diffuse the bomb.
Ruth built an android app where you can play with the Chrome offline dinosaur using phone gestures.
Marina, Karina and Yejiel built a social app for sharing information about trips.
Aviya and Mordecai built a system for taking orders at restaurants.
Inbal and Nati built a platform for social learning of programming and graphic design.
Noa, Ronen and Baruch analysed various datasets to find interesting insights in the world of gender.
Oz, Chen, Noam, Ghassan and Hemda built a system for online debates.
Shira, Jonathan, Moriah, Yehuda, Moshe and Lior built a system for managing emergency situations.
Ruth and Ori built a website for social trivia games.
Lee and Kanael built a site where you can search for restaurants by the dishes they serve.
Gal and Gal built an escape room game.
Emanuel and Anna built an extension to alert on plaintext passwords in your inbox.
Miri, Rebecca, Kobi, Liav, Udi and Adar built an app for restaurants to sell food that is leftover at the end of the day.
If you are a developer, product manager, designer, marketer, artist or tech enthusiast - You’re Welcome!
Little or lots of experience - doesn’t matter.
You don’t have to know what you want to build, or even what tech you want to use.
Not sure if you fit?
Ask us: contact@hackextend.com
If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, HackExtend is for you!
Do I need to pay to join HackExtend?
No, it’s free, but your application needs to be accepted.
Are you going to supply any food?
Yes, two free meals on Thursday and two free meals on Friday. Snacks, coffee, water, and other goodies
be available at all times.
Hackathons are awesome for so many reasons. They stimliate creativity and problem-solving, give participants
a sense of accomplishment and worthiness, facilitate the acquisition of new technical skills, and beef up
resumes. Unfortunately, many engineers don’t attend hackathons due to lack of self-confidence, exposure to
these events, or because they may not have a team they can build with. This problem is even more common
amongst groups that are under-represented in the high tech industry.
That's why we decided to create HackExtend - a hackathon for people who usually don’t hack. We want to
create a different type of event; one that’s focused on creativity and community, not competition. It’s
about learning, meeting new people, and building cool things together. We are working very hard to make it
extremely diverse, and will prioritize diverse groups in acceptance.
We are looking for additional sponsors who share our vision.
Interested in sponsoring us?
Contact us for a detailed sponsorship plan: contact@hackextend.com
Our mentors are group of engineers, product managers and designers from wide backgrounds. They will be
available before and during the event for questions.
Interested in being a mentor?